Someday has arrived. Let’s get you writing.

The scariest moment is always just before you start.

—Stephen King

No matter what kind of writing you want to do, I can help you get started — and keep going.

You might want to move a single big project from idea to completion, like writing and publishing a book.

Or maybe you want to take up blogging to share your ideas and build your brand.

Whatever your project, my coaching can help you:

  • Write your way past anxiety, procrastination, and perfectionism
  • Turn your creative work into play by learning to let go and improvise
  • Find your voice and write with confidence
  • Outsmart overwhelm by breaking large projects into small, doable steps
  • Develop solid writing skills you can use for the rest of your life
  • Discover your ideal daily rhythm and creative space

Ready to become a prolific, unstoppable writer?

(If you’re not so sure, then you’re in good company. Most people feel anything BUT confident when they first contact me. That’s what I’m here for!)

Here’s how you can work with me

Monthly Momentum — You get the biggest, most lasting impact from monthly coaching. This ongoing support is the surest way to build and sustain creative momentum.

Here’s how monthly coaching works:

  • $300 for two 1-hour phone/Skype sessions a month
  • Includes up to ten pages (2,500 words) of manuscript for review each session
  • Email check-in on alternate weeks to keep you in motion

If you’re serious about reaching your writing goals, a minimum three-month commitment is your surest path. This is deep, soul-stirring work that delves into your creative history, explores what’s holding you back, and builds a solid plan for consistently working on your current project.